Reading Sheffield
All the books of our lives
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Readers’ Voices – the Next Generation
Reading Journeys
The Original Set
The Original Set – A to E
The Original Set – F to J
The Next Generation
Reading Sheffield Group
‘Even Edgar Wallace may be discovered…’
‘Quite honest…and most carefully done’ – A survey of children’s reading in Sheffield (1937-38)
Charles Dickens in Thirties Sheffield
Reading Sheffield interview prompts
Running Up Eyre Street: Sheffield Reading and the Second World War
Sheffield Reading History: Unitarians, Book Societies and some Extraordinary Women
The Magic Story Book
The Tuesday Club Letter
Everyday Reading in Sheffield 1920-1960
Steel City Readers
Podcasts etc
Poetry with Eleanor Brown
The Story of Walter Parsonson and the making of Sheffield Libraries
Readers’ Voices – the Original Set
Sir Norman Adsetts
Jean A
Gillian Applegate
Anne B
Alan B
Peter B
Julia Banks
Edna B
Elsie Brownlee
Frank Burgin
Joan C
Margaret C
Florence Cowood
Pat Cymbal
John D
Madeleine Doherty
Sheila Edwards
Shirley Ellins
Chris F
David Flather
Doreen Gill
Margaret G
Judith G
Barbara Green
James Green
Eva G
Irene Hailstone
Josie Hall
Jean H
Dorothy H
Hazel H
Noel H
Adele J
Margaret H
Erica Jeremiah
Maureen Lambert
Dorothy Latham
Winnie Lincoln
Ted L
Christine M
Peter Mason
Kath and Ken M
Jean and Malcolm Mercer
Betty Newman
Dorothy Norbury
Betty R
Mary Robertson
Mary S
Joan T
Bob and Carolyn W
Jocelyn Wilson
Jean Wolfendale
Margaret and John Young
Sheffield Hallam University: Ideas into Action
Sheffield Hallam University: Ideas into Action 2020/21
Sheffield Hallam University: Ideas into Action 2021/22
The Artists
Portraits of Readers
The Poet
Tea, cake and books in 2022
Flying off the Page (2014)
The Story Telling Cloak (2014)
Ballad of the Spooky Books (2014)
Spooky Book Drawings
Celebration Event (2014)
Reading Sheffield’s Website Launch (2015)
White Ink Stains: poetry reading (October 2016)
The Making of In Praise of Libraries (2017)
Sheffield’s Historic Library Culture Uncovered (2018)
Tea and poetry (2020)
Our Sponsors
The Original Set
A to E
F to J
K to O
P to T
U to Z